David Valadao Announces Candidacy for Congress


Bakersfield – On Wednesday, August 28, 2019, David  Valadao officially announces his candidacy for Congress in California’s Twenty First Congressional District.

In his announcement Wednesday, Valadao stated, “I am a proud son of the Central Valley. My parents came to the Central Valley as immigrants to follow their dreams and build a better future for their family. This is where I was born, raised, and where my wife and I chose to raise our family.

“This community is my home, and I’ve always fought to do what’s right for the Central Valley.

“The Central Valley needs a strong voice they can trust representing them in Congress – someone who listens and understands that Central Valley residents just want an opportunity to provide and build a better life for their families.

“That’s why I’m running to represent California’s 21st District.

“I cannot continue to sit silent while TJ Cox pursues a radical liberal agenda that hurts our communities. The Central Valley needs a full-time Representative that people can be proud of and trust.

“This community faces many challenges. We need to protect our water, make health care more affordable and accessible, work to bring new jobs and job training to the Central Valley, and stand up for seniors and veterans to ensure they get the benefits they deserve.

“I’m ready and able to tackle these challenges. I can make a difference for the Central Valley, and I will work day in and day out for the honor and privilege of serving this community.”

David Valadao represented the 21st Congressional District from 2013-2019, which includes Kings County and portions of Fresno, Tulare, and Kern Counties.


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